Fetal ECHO

What is Fetal Echo?

A Fetal Echo, or fetal echocardiogram, is a specialized ultrasound procedure used to assess the heart of an unborn baby (fetus). It uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the baby’s heart, allowing doctors to check for congenital heart defects or abnormalities in the heart's structure and function. This procedure is often performed when there is a concern about the baby's heart, such as if a parent has a family history of heart disease, if an earlier ultrasound has shown abnormalities, or if the mother has medical conditions that could affect the baby’s heart. A fetal echo is non-invasive, safe, and typically performed during the second trimester, usually around 18-22 weeks of pregnancy.


How to Prepare for Fetal Echo:

Consult Your Doctor:Discuss with your healthcare provider whether a fetal echo is necessary. They may refer you for this test based on risk factors or if they detect potential issues during routine ultrasounds.

Wear Comfortable Clothing:On the day of the test, wear loose and comfortable clothing. You may be asked to expose your abdomen for the ultrasound procedure.

Ensure a Full Bladder (if instructed):In some cases, you may be asked to drink water before the test to ensure a full bladder, which helps provide clearer images of the fetus during the procedure. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.

Avoid Eating (if necessary):You may be advised to avoid eating for 1-2 hours before the procedure to ensure optimal imaging, although this is typically not required for fetal echo.

Prepare for a Longer Appointment:Fetal echocardiograms can take 30-60 minutes or longer, depending on the baby’s position and the complexity of the test. Bring any necessary support and be prepared for the test to take time.

Relax During the Test:Stay relaxed, as it may take some time to get clear images of the heart. The technician may ask you to shift positions to help get the best possible view.

Do Not Apply Lotion or Oils:On the day of the procedure, avoid applying lotions, oils, or creams on your abdomen, as they may interfere with the ultrasound gel used during the test.

Fetal echo is a valuable tool to identify heart conditions in unborn babies, ensuring early diagnosis and treatment if necessary, and providing peace of mind to expecting parents.

At Health Vista Diagnostics, your well-being is our priority. As a trusted, family-owned center, we provide compassionate care and comprehensive diagnostics, including in-house interventional radiology. We work closely with your doctors to ensure personalized treatment and support for optimal health outcomes.


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